The scales can always be seen as either a 'happy' results or an 'angry/sad/disappointing' result
And while they may seem important
The truth is they are not
Yes, you may have a weight loss target in mind
But... Ask yourself this
What If You Didn't Weigh Yourself For 4 Months and Felt Amazing....
...but jumped on the scales and realised you were not the weight you 'wanted' to be
Can you see?
The only real reason you should be tracking weight is to give you a rough guide on your food intake and also to measure weight gain during 'time of the month'
The other reason is for your personal trainer or coach to use this as a guide to see your progress and to make any relevant changes to your food/exercise program to keep you on track
Which is why this article is so important to your progress
You will discover the Most Essential ways you need to track your weight loss progress without the use of scales
Step 1: Pictures
They say 'Pictures Say 1000 Words' and when it comes to seeing shape changes in your overall body shape these are amazing guides
When you take these take them from 3 sides
Front: Standing facing the camera with your arms by your side and your chin parallel to the ground
Side: The exact same stance as the front
Back: The exact same too :)
Remember the rules too: No sucking your stomach in or holding your head high
Step 2: Measurements
You can measure throughout the body, arms, waist, hips, abdominals and thighs are the main areas
But we recommend just the abdominal measurement and thigh measurement (3 or5 inches from the top of the knee cap)
When measuring the abdominals use your belly button as a guideline to get consistent measurements each time
Step 3: Clothes
This is probably the greatest feeling
Getting ready for a night out and then putting something on that you just feel amazing in
All that work over the weeks/months/years as come to fruition and you feel incredible
And this one probably sums up what losing weight and most importantly, improving your health is really about
How You Feel
This really determines the success of what you are doing because if you have just started out, half way through or battling a long road
How you feel during this journey really gives you the indication on its success
More Energy
Better Concentration
Improved Sleep
Low/No Bloating
These are just some of the physical and mental feelings you will develop along the way
Don't hinge everything on the scales
If you are working with a weight loss coach or personal trainer
Leave that to them
If you are going this alone
Just remember they are a small guide to a bigger picture