Losing weight is not just about tracking calories and working out
With 64.3% of the U.K population obese it is very clear that this mainstream message isn't
Personal trainers dishing out 'calories' and 'macros' like they are gospel when it comes to losing weight are missing the point
Yes, quantity (calories) is important
But it should never be the focus of the individual who want to lose weight
If weight loss was as simple as tracking calories then so many more people trying to lose weight would succeed
Only 2 in 10 people manage to lose weight long term and keep it off after 1 year
And in the U.K studies suggest that around 2/3 of the population is following a diet
My maths isn't great
But you can work out the total number of people who fail and succeed in dieting
For every 100,000 people.... 80,000 people fail
So, if calorie counting and working out isn't the best
What is
The rule of dieting is simple
Focus - On - Health
If you focus on getting healthy you can't fail
3 litres of water per day
5-7 portions of green veg
2-3 pieces of fruit
Working out raising your heart rate for 30-45 minutes
12-15k steps per day
6-8 hours sleep per day
Such basic ingredients to follow
But for most people this isn't possible
And it is because they focus on the opposite
You have seen the adverts from personal trainers and weight loss programs
Eat - What - You - Want - And - Lose - Weight
This is the problem with the industry
Personal trainers and weight loss programs are playing on to the fact that if you just stick
with your calories then you will lose weight
Which is true
But losing weight and...
Losing weight and improving your overall health
Are 2 different things
Yes a reduction in weight will help with some health issues
But if you are ignoring the real 'Killer' when it comes to health then you are only setting yourself up to fail
The real killer?
This is what you need to watch and monitor
If you are eating foods with low NATURAL sugar content and no added sugars (or some sweeteners) then you will be on the right track
See, weight loss is 100% about improving health
And if you focus on this you won't fail
If you want to see why our clients get such amazing results
This is the reason
We focus on HEALTH and we focus on HABITS
It is why we get it right
And why our programs is the most sought after weight loss program in Liverpool