Discover Why Structure Is Your Key To Freedom In A Weight Loss Plan
A problem we see with a lot of people when they want to start a weight loss plan is their resistance to change
I don't want to count calories
I don't want to eat those foods
I am not giving up my weekends
I don't like running
I don't want to lift heavy weight
All concerns (there are many more) that people have when starting their new weight loss journey
But all concerns that can be coached
And by coached I mean
To put in good habits around their lifestyle and beliefs
I want you to get a pen and paper
Or use the 'notes' section on your phone
And write this down
Read it again
To create structure (systems also known as habits) in your life that are directly related to your end goal will create freedom
It sounds really simple when you write it down
And most people do every January with their New Years resolutions
They grab a pen and paper
And list down everything they want to achieve that year
In order for these to be achieved you need to work out
The Work You Must Do
The Way You Must Live (Habits or Structure)
An unwillingness to change means you will always be the same
If you are trying to lose weight, but still doing the same things wrong - it just won't work for you
You need to learn to understand the habits you have created
And then build your new habits around the goals you want to achieve
Planning your day and building structure in to your meals, workouts and lifestyle is all part of the process
You are not denying yourself anything by wanting to improve...
Many self help books talk about 'Creating Your Perfect Day' and this is what you are wanting to do when it comes to achieving your weight loss targets
Answer me this:
In order for you to get;
The body you want
The fitness levels you want
The lifestyle you want
What would a typical day look like?
What MUST you do each day in order for you to live this way?
Education and Self-Development
These all lead to you getting exactly what you want
But you must first understand what it takes
You just need a plan, a STRUCTURE to get exactly what it is you want