Is working with a personal trainer one of the fastest ways to achieve your results?
The obvious answer is 'It Depends Who That Personal Trainer Is'
At Gym Reb3l we want to help you make sure you pick the best personal trainer for you and so have come up with a quick guide on how to pick the right personal trainer
Quick note: Yes, at Gym Reb3l we do offer 1-2-1 personal training alongside our 4 signature fitness classes
But this guide is for those of you who are unable to train at Gym Reb3l and are looking for a personal trainer near you
Because we know if you lived near to Gym Reb3l you would be working with us
In this article we give you the information you need so when you are ready to work with a personal trainer in Liverpool you have all the information you need to make the best choice for you and your results
The Questions You MUST Ask Yourself When Looking To Work With A Personal Trainer Near You
Does The Personal Trainer Have A Proven Track Record?
In an industry where you can qualify to be a personal trainer in just 6-weeks, serious question shave to be asked about the personal trainer you may want to work with
This isn't to question their integrity in why they are doing this, but to ask the question on what evidence they have of getting people in shape
If they are new, then you may want to ask about their experience with themselves in getting you the results you want, or with any friends or family they may have helped
If they have been a personal trainer for a minimum of 6 months then they should be able to give you examples (including before and after photos) of;
Client Results
Client Programs
Client Development
Client Sustainability
The last point, sustainability is one of the most important
You do not want to go to a personal trainer who can show you how to lose weight quickly (for example) but not teach you the right habits on how to sustain the weight loss
If it is a 'eat this, eat that' nutritional program then run away...
Is It Just A Personal Trainer and Nutrition Program, or Do You Get Everything You SHOULD
Working with a personal trainer is a lot more than just workouts and nutritional programs
If your consultation goes like this...
Complete par q and other forms
Given total calories
Booked next workout
Then walk away
Personal training is so much more than this and it is the main reason why so many people fail to get the results they want when working with a trainer
Client Habits
Client Experience
Client Goals
Program Development
Program Adaption (food, workout and lifestyle)
These are just some of the components you should experience when working with a personal trainer
For some people unfortunately the experience is not this
The personal trainer will simply give them a meal plan to follow or set 'calories' for them to try and hit each day
It doesn't work like this and can end up doing more harm for you, the client
How Is Your Nutritional Program Worked Out By Your Personal Trainer?
There are 4 types of clients personal trainers generally work with and each client has their own experiences when it comes to their nutrition
As a personal trainer it is our jobs to make sure that we understand this and then start you off with the right guidelines based on your experience and habits
Too many changes to your current routine (for some) can lead to little results being reached because the changes are not sustainable
Or, they are sustained for a few weeks, and then old habits creep back in
There is no once size fits all when it comes to coaching a client through a new nutritional plan and it is your personal trainers job to identify where you are RIGHT NOW and put the right steps in place to make this sustainable to you
Can They Help Me Achieve My Health and Fitness Goals?
Think of a personal trainer the same way you would think of a tradesman
Would you hire a plumber to come in and fit your electrics?
Of course not
So when looking for a personal trainer
Find one who specialises in what it is you want to achieve
If all they do is get clients to that particular results then their
Is all focused on improving that area directly and so that (along with their coaching) is what you need
On the subject of coaching
Having the knowledge to inform and coaching someone to their results is two different things
We see so many personal trainers in amazing shape who simply do not know how to put across their knowledge so clients can understand and be coached
When we created Gym Reb3l and our 2 signature fitness classes we wanted to encompass the main elements of personal training and make them product more widely available
The truth is you do not have to work with a personal trainer to get the results you want
Some people prefer that 1-2-1 approach and the individual care they get in terms of specific injuries, detailed goals or confidence in working with a group compared to on a 1-2-1 level
At Gym Reb3l we have packaged everything you would get with working with a personal trainer in our weight loss specific programs
Not only do you get access to our fitness workouts you will also get complete access to our personal trainers each week