When it comes to losing weight, the determining, desperation (or both) can lead to people causing themselves problems long-term
The goal of a weight loss program is for it to be sustainable so;
The weight continues to drop until you are at your ideal weight
You are able to stick to the plan because it is built in to your lifestyle
A lot of women will reduce their calories so low that long-term this leaves them with a problem
A common mistake is to reduce between 1000-1200 calories per day
Why It Is Bad To Go So Low (Between 1000-1200 Calories Per Day)
While weight loss may be fast doing this and in the first few weeks or even a couple of months it may seem sustainable
There is going to reach a point where you plateaux
Everyone will plateaux at some point during their weight loss journey
And this is why so many people quit
Think of This
Imagine in a few months you plateaux
You can't fit any more exercise in your diary as you are already at maximum capacity
Putting in more time during each session won't work either
So you need to look at your food
To take some calories away from there to kick start the weight loss again
But at 1000-1200 you can't
Because then you border on the unhealthy range
What can you do?
The frustration will continue because the weight will not budge
You have no where to go
What Weight Loss Is Really About And You Have To Avoid This Weight Loss Mistake
When trying to lose weight the goal is very simple
Eat As Much As You Can And Still Lose Weight
You must keep your calories as high as possible while still losing weight each week
By eating as much as you can and still losing weight you still have somewhere to go long-term in terms of changes to your food you can make
You do not need to increase or worry about doing more exercise
You simply need to reduce your calories
And by having these at maximum level you will have a lot of calories to play with
Meaning next time you do plateaux
You have something you can change to kick start your plan again
Do not make this mistake
Because while the results may be fast at the start
They will slow down very quickly and plateaux
And for most people
Quitting at something because it doesn't work is hard enough
Let alone looking for and then investing in something else again
This is why it is essential that you must avoid this weight loss mistake