Following a Vegan and following a Plant Based diet are two different concepts
And for a lot of people it can get confusing in understanding the difference
Plant based products such as milks, meat alternatives are on the rise
More and more people are making the purchases and switching across
So, what is the difference between a plant based diet and a vegan diet?
Vegan Diet
This is a complete lifestyle approach to a diet where no animal products are used at all
This includes all self care products, clothes as well as their foods
Most people will follow a vegan lifestyle based on ethical choices and concerns for the treatment of animal and animal welfare
Vegan diets can include a lot of highly processed foods on the condition they do not include animal products
And for some vegans, (surprisingly) they have very low iron levels - which is strange considering what their food choices should be
Plant Based Diets
A plant based diet is focused on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and healthy fats
It doesn't include any refined oils or grains, highly processed foods or added sugars
Some plant based foods include animal products such as lean meat, dairy and fish
So there is the difference
A vegan encompasses a complete lifestyle approach where as a plant based diet is just a nutritious approach
Healthy vegans will follow a plant based approach
But those without a full understand of the nutritious concept will only follow the other lifestyle a ethical choices of a vegan
The Transformation Challenge
All food should be based as a lifestyle choice and this is why we never coach our clients through generic, calorie counting based diets
We coach them through their beliefs and install healthy habits for them to follow
It is why we are able to coach all diet based types and why our programs get such amazing results
Find out more by clicking here