Are you looking to hire a personal trainer in Liverpool
If you are, we have created a quick post to help you choose the best personal trainer for you and your goals
You will discover the question to ask
The qualifications to look out for
And the proof you need that this is the right personal trainer for you
Hire An Instructor or A Coach
Unfortunately in the personal training industry there are many 'instructors' who claim to be personal trainers
And it is very simple to tell the difference
A Fitness Instructor will wave you in to the gym and just give you random workouts with no tracking, no set periods of rest and most importantly.... no plan
If you currently have a personal trainer
Simply ask them.... Can I see a copy of the workouts and phases we have completed
If they can't provide you with this
Then you have been paying for a fitness instructor and personal training prices
At Your Consultation: If you are having a personal training consultation then simply ask the personal trainer to show you clients current programs (hiding the names) and they will be able to do this no problem
If they can't... then they are a fitness instructor and not a personal trainer
Is The Food Plan Specific To You
This is huge
There is a trend within the personal training industry to set clients Calorie or Macro (carbohydrates, protein and fats) targets when they join a plan
This is wrong
The role of a personal trainer is to coach you as an individual
Which means that the food plan and coaching they give you has to be specific to you and your lifestyle
A personal trainer who coaches their clients through their nutritional plans will be able to establish small habits with you overtime so that the program you follow is sustainable
A lot of people associate exercise and with nutrition - meaning if they are not training then they do not follow their food plan
If calorie counting or any other diet you are given by your trainer does not fit in with your lifestyle or long term commitments then it is not for you
At Your Consultation: Ask how the food plans work. Their reply should simply be... We build the plan around you - if it is anything different... take your money and run away
Their Experience as a Personal Trainer
Would you choose a personal trainer with 20 years experience or a newly qualified personal trainer
The most important part of this when choosing a personal trainer is to make sure they have the experience in the goal you are wanting to achieve
See how that reads?
If you have a personal trainer who is newly qualified but in the last 12 months has completely transformed their life and lifestyle to lose X amount of weight
They may have the coaching skills to be able to coach you through a similar plan
But remember... it has to be individual to you
If you do choose a personal trainer with years of client experience then they should be able to show you;
Workouts and Progressions
Food Coaching Plans
Before and After Photos
These are crucial
Why would you hire a personal trainer who can't provide proof of their work?
Personal Training Qualifications
Gaining your qualifications over the years has change dramatically in the personal training industry
Course have no been condensed to just a few weeks (some as little as 4 weeks)
A lot of the personal training courses are now online courses too
But when choosing a personal trainer
You need to remember this
Their initial personal training qualifications (Level 2 and 3) are just the start
The personal trainer should have a roadmap of the qualifications they are going to gain (if they are new) and be able to demonstrate their career progression
If they are an established personal trainer then they should have a back catalogue of continued learning and qualifications to be able to show you they are the expert in their field and more than capable of coaching you to your health and fitness goals
At The Consultation: Please do not be scared to ask to see qualifications. When you go to a job interview you have to show and prove your experience
Well in a personal training consultation you are hiring their time as 'the expert' and so it should follow the same format as a job interview
Final Thoughts
At Gym Reb3l we have female personal trainers and male personal trainers available for both 1-2-1 personal training and also, semi private personal training
When you hire a personal trainer you need to make sure that all the above is covered and that the personal trainer you hire is capable of delivering the results you want
At Gym Reb3l our personal trainers can show how we are the best personal trainer for weight loss in Liverpool
We have testimonials on our website and social media channels
If you would like to find out more simply click the link below and book a personal training
consultation with one of our personal trainers today