Your weight loss journey and it's long term success is dictated to the habits you create
Read that again...
Your weight loss journey and it's long term success is dictated to the habits you create
With so much focus based on just calorie counting people are losing track of what really makes a weight loss plan successful
And instead, focus in on weighing their cornflakes and ensuring their daily chocolate bar fits in to their calories...
Which is a shame
As your whole focus should be around what makes a weight loss program successful
Think about it and answer this question
What Would You Have To Be Doing Each Day To Get The Body Shape You Want?
Once you can identify this then you will know exactly what you need to focus on
What type of foods will you eat?
How active will you be?
What will your week days look like?
What will your weekends look like?
What contingency plans do you have in place if the day doesn't got to plan?
How will you handle if you have a bad meal/day/week?
You need to spend time thinking about what your 'ideal' version of yourself is and then put the answers to the questions above
If you were to just spend your time counting calories and weighing/scanning and measuring your foods
Unless this is how you want to live your life moving forward
Then it is a waste of time
The answer of 'Just do it so you can see portions' is not a good argument
As this then makes you questions yourself and wonder if what you have chosen would match up to if you had scanned the foods
Learning to manage intake by consuming foods that have a positive affect on your health and physique is the best way to go
Why You Need 'Habit Based Coaching' For Weight Loss
A good coach
No matter what you are learning
Will now only give you the knowledge and path to follow
They will help you build the necessary habits to make that task a success
Whether it is a coach teaching you to invest or a personal trainer teaching you to lose weight
They all teach you habits
Right through from how you react to how you must act each day
Understanding what is important to get the results you want is essential
Most people fail at losing weight because they are not focused on habits
And yes...
If you say to yourself... I Am Going Back To 'X' Diet... then that diet hasn't worked for you also
Because if it had... you wouldn't have to go back to it
Ask Your Personal Trainer This Question When Joining A Program
What habits will you teach me to make this a success?
From your consultation they should be able to identify what habits you need to work on and
instal to get the results you want
If they say 'just to eat right' or 'train right' then run.... run as far as you can with your money
They should be able to give you a detailed breakdown of what is necessary